3-Day Online TECHNO LEGAL SUMMIT on CAP (Cyber, AI, and Patents)

It gives us immense pleasure to announce that the IQAC of St Joseph Engineering College and SDM Law College, Centre for PG studies & Research in Law are collaboratively organizing 3-Day online TECHNO LEGAL SUMMIT on CAP (Cyber, AI, and Patents) from 3rd to 5th August 2020.

There are two sessions, every day, in the morning. Sessions-1 is from 10:00 am to 11:15 am followed by a break of 15 minutes and Session-2 will be from 11:30 am onwards.

There is no Registration Fee.

E-Certificate will be issued to the participants who attend all the sessions and submit the Feedback Form.

Summit is open for all the faculty members and students.

Registration Link:http://bit.ly/SJEC-SDM-UT-1