Monthly Archives: November 2018

Training sessions for Magister Juris 2018

MAGISTER JURIS was approaching and the training session was the perfect mould to mould all the participants before entering the ‘Battle of the legal minds’. After all the planning, it was time to execute. The training session took place a week prior the main fest. It took place on 2nd November in room no.204 at 2pm. It was held for the events, Judgment writing, negotiation, Client counselling and Legal Drafting. The students of the college were no less than resource persons. For judgment writing we had the co-ordinator of the moot court society itself Mr. Ashwin Kutinha. Negotiation was dealt by the final year students Ms.Bhagirithi, Mr. Amith Castellino and Ms. Shwetha Pai. Client Counselling was quite a catch with Ms. Ashwathy Jayaraj , Ms. Ashawari and Ms. Fathima Ibrahim turned out to be very fruitful. The participants were just as involved and the participation was quite high which was witnessed by the jam packed classroom.

On 5th November same time same place the training session took place for the other important event: Bail Petition. The fourth year students Ms. Priya Koshi and Ms. Medha along with Mrs. Suma Suresh presiding over as the judge made it look so easy clear and subtle for our students. The Training sessions turned out to be a great kick start for The Magister Juris’18!

All the moot court society events can be found here.