SDME Society

Shree Kshetra Dharmasthala
One of Karnataka’s most renowned landmark of piety and devotion, Sri Manjunatheshwara Temple of Dharmasthala is thronged by thousands of pilgrims every day. This famed centre of charity and divine justice, where every devotee partakes of generous hospitality irrespective of caste or creed distinctions, has grown into legendary proportions because of its multifarious socio-economic programs. The temple town nestles amidst picturesque Western Ghats, beside River Nethravathi in Belthangady Taluk and is within easy accesibilty of Mangalore and Udupi. Sri Manjunatheshwara Temple is devoted to Shiva and houses a lingam of gold. The temple is unusual in that it is run by a Jain administration and poojas are conducted by Madhva priests.

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Shree Kshetra Dharmasthala, is a man of outstanding credentials. The head of a religious institution that draws millions of devotees from all over the country. However, his stature, doesn’t confine to a single field of achievement. A titan in the fields of social service and education, Dr. Heggade has been quite instrumental in uplifting the educational standards throughout Karnataka. As the President of SDM Educational Society, he has been phenomenally successful in leading more than 40 institutions. What motives Dr. Heggade is the rich tradition of our country in holding the spirit of enlightenment high. We have a reputation for providing the light of knowledge to the world for thousands of years. And that tradition, thankfully still guides us as we progress rapidly in various spheres of excellence in education.

Quality with a spirit of service guides all educational endeavours of SDM Educational Society. The Society offers opportunities in the wide canvas encompassing primary to professional education. Institutions of SDM Educational Society cover a wide arena from Engineering, different streams of Medicine and Para-medicine, Management, Law, Commerce and general education. SDM Institutions are a role model to other institutes and Government Organizations with many having received recognitions from international institutions.

Pujya Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
Padma Vibhushana
Pattadhikari of Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala
President, SDM Educational Society (R), Ujire

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Shree Kshetra Dharmasthala, is a man of outstanding credentials. The head of a religious institution that draws millions of devotees from all over the country. However, his stature, doesn’t confine to a single field of achievement. A titan in the fields of social service and education, Dr. Heggade has been quite instrumental in uplifting the educational standards throughout Karnataka. As the President of SDM Educational Society, he has been phenomenally successful in leading more than 40 institutions. What motives Dr. Heggade is the rich tradition of our country in holding the spirit of enlightenment high.

We have a reputation for providing the light of knowledge to the world for thousands of years. And that tradition, thankfully still guides us as we progress rapidly in various spheres of excellence in education. Quality with a spirit of service guides all educational endeavours of SDM Educational Society. The Society offers opportunities in the wide canvas encompassing primary to professional education. Institutions of SDM Educational Society cover a wide arena from Engineering, different streams of Medicine and Para-medicine, Management, Law, Commerce and general education. SDM Institutions are a role model to other institutes and Government Organizations with many having received recognitions from international institutions.

SDM Educational Society (R) Ujire, D.K., Karnataka
SDM Educational Society (R) is a premier non-profit educational organization, functioning under the sacred aegis of Shree Kshetra Dharmasthala. Under the able guidance of its distinguished president, Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, SDM ducational Society spearheads the activities of more than 40 premier academic and professional institutions spread across Karnataka. Establishments that represent the best of traditional expertise and contemporary excellence form the base for studies in subjects ranging from Medicine, Engineering, Law, Social Sciences, Management, Naturopathy and Ayurveda.