Monthly Archives: June 2024

Human Rights Cell

Aims & Objectives

  1. To promote Human Rights 
  2. To promote equality, gender justice, secularism, and universal brotherhood
  3. To inculcate Human Rights Values among student’s community
  4. To question all forms of injustice taking place
  5. To promote humane attitude through organization of socially themed competitions

Composition of the Committee for the year 2023-24

Faculty Convener : Mrs. Ujwala

Student Secretary : Mr. Joston D’souza

Student Coordinators : Ms. Bhoomika, M Shashwath Pai, Ms. Bhuvi B Rai, Ms. Ashel D’souza

Human Rights Committee Report 2019-2023

Memorandum of Understandings and Collaborations

The purpose of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is mainly the academic
collaborations that will encompass exchange of resources and official between
two parties as well as other activities, extension programmes and projects. In
addition to this, active efforts will be made to develop joint training, training,
research seminar, conferences, professional development training, minor/major
projects, internship for students, exchange of resource persons etc. The MoU
outlines a set of aims and objectives which will be achieved through the
collaborative efforts. The anticipated outcomes of the MoU range from enhanced
academic offerings to cultural exchange, research advancement, resource
optimization, and community engagement. By embracing collaboration, the
parties are poised to embark on a journey of shared growth, knowledge exchange,
and meaningful impact in the realm of academics.

Faculty Convener: Dr. Shaheema A S
Student Coordinators: Rania Renitta Mathias

Report of Memorandum of Understanding and Collaboration for the year 2018-2023

Rovers & Ranger

Rangers and rovers are two distinct groups within the scouting movement that cater to different age groups and offer unique opportunities for personal growth and leadership development.
The Ranger and Rovers program focuses on developing leadership skills, outdoor survival skills, community service, and personal growth. Rangers and rovers often participate in high adventure activities, service projects, and leadership training to prepare them for future roles as leaders in their communities.

Composition for the acadamic year 2023-24

Faculty convener: Mrs Nelvita Noronha
Student Secretary: Mr Rohith BR
Coordinators: Ms. Bhavana, Mr. Vishnu

Rovers & Ranger Report 2018-23

IPR Innovation Centre

The IPR Cell at our college promotes intellectual property awareness, protection, and commercialization. We facilitate research, collaboration, and policy development while fostering innovation. By achieving these objectives, we aim to support a culture of intellectual property protection and innovation at our college.


  1. Protection and commercialization of IP
  2. To spread awareness about IP rights
  3. To support innovation and protection of intellect.

Composition of the Cell 2023-24

Faculty Convenor – Mrs. Nelvita Noronha
Student Secretary: Ms. Adel Menezes
Coordinators: Ms. Safah Mohammad, Ms. Ayesha Manal, Mr. Nevin Fleming

Report of the Cell 2018 to 2023

Women Empowerment Cell

 Confidence Building
 Skill development
 Boosting self esteem

Constitutuion of Women empowerment cell 2023-24:
Mrs Sharika Rai- Faculty Convenor
Ms. Sara Sajid -Student Secretary
Ms. Anagha Manoj – Student Co -Ordinator

WEC Cell Report 2022-23


To foster awareness and action towards biodiversity conservation and local environmental issues, cultivating a culture of cleanliness and environmental responsibility among students through various activities and initiatives.


  1. To organise programs and workshops to create an awareness among the students and staffs to promote sustainable environment practices.
  2. Educate the general public about the importance of preserving the natural environment through extension activities.
  3. Engage students in waste management programs to promote sustainable practices.
  4. Inspire students to pursue scientific inquiry into environmental issues, fostering a
    proactive approach to tackling environmental challenges.

Composition for the Year 2023-24 

Faculty Convenor : Mr. Mohan Kumar

Report of the Club 2018-2023

Training and Placement Cell/Internship

Aim & Objectives

To bring about vivid internship opportunities, in different sectors of law
for the students
To conduct workshops and interactive sessions on various opportunities
available in the field of law.
To conduct sessions related to Facing an interview and Resume writing
so that the final-year students are prepared for placements.
To bring about companies/firms to the college by conducting Annual
Placement Drive for the final year students.

Composition of the Cell 2023-24

Faculty Convenor: Dr. Ashwini P

Student Secretary; Manav Sajith Nambiar

Student Coordinators : Priyanka, Gowri, Faizal

Report of the Committee 2018-2023

Company Secretary Training

The objectives of the Company Secretary Executive Entrance
Test (CSEET) training program focus on preparing candidates to
excel in the exam by providing a comprehensive understanding of
the relevant subjects. The training aims to equip individuals with
the knowledge and skills required to clear the CSEET
successfully, ensuring they are well-prepared to pursue a career
as a Company Secretary.

Composition for the year 2023-24

Faculty Convenor : Ms. Varnitha Shetty, Ms. Apeksha S Kottari

Student Coordinators : Ananth Shanbhogue, Vindya K

Report of the Committee 2018-2023



Under the honourable Prime Minister’s Vision of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ and ‘Skill India’ programme, Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) was established in our college on 26th June 2023.

The objectives of the cell are as follows:

1. Identify and promote entrepreneurship among youth of our college.

2. Conducting short term and long term programmes on entrepreneurship.

3. Spreading awareness on India and Start up India.

4. Organizing Seminars/Workshops on entrepreneurship.

5. Outreach activities on promoting Govt. schemes.

6. To enhance the entrepreneurial skills of students.

7. To have interactions with established entrepreneurs and to understand the reality of the entrepreneurial world.

Present Convenors :(2023-24) :

Ms. Apeksha S Kottari, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce
Ms. VarnithaShetty, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce
Student Secretary: Tripthi K
Student Co-ordinators: Ananth Shanbhogue, Vindhya K

Report of Committee 2022-2023