Category Archives: News & Updates

Legal Awareness Programme

Volunteers of Legal Aid and Extension Cell of our College organised Legal Awareness Programme at St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru on 18th February 2020. Legal Aid Extension Cell student secretary Ms. Geetha delivered a talk on importance of legal aid and fundamental duties and formation of law, Ms. Dafny 3(5) BALLB discussed about  sexual offences and it’s punishment, Ms. Mercy 2(5) BBA LLB discussed about Public Interest Litigation, Deepitha 4th BALLB discussed about ADR, Suhana 4th BALLB discussed about Right to Information Act and Ayesha 3rd BALLB delivered talk on domestic violence. Legal Aid and extension cell faculty convenor Mr. Karthik Anand in association with MBA department of St. Joseph engineering college organised the programme. 



One Day National Seminar on Human Rights Relating to Children in India

Our college organised one day national seminar on Comprehensive Analysis of Human Rights of Children in India sponsored by National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi on 12th February 2020. Dr. Ravindranath Shanbhogue, President, Human Rights Protection Foundation, Udupi inaugurated the seminar. Sri Udayananda, Senior Advocate, Mangaluru, Dr. Mahabalesh, Professor and HOD, Department of Forensic Medicine and Technology, K.S Hegde Medical Academy, Dr. Anantha Prabhu, Cyber Law Trainer, Karnataka Police Academy and Dr. Rameela Shekar, Retired Professor and Practicing Psychologist were the resource persons for technical sessions. Dr Tharanath, Principal/Chairman  presided over the  seminar. Various High School teachers participated in the programme. Mr. Pushparaj, Asst. Professor of Political Science coordinated the seminar.

Farewell Function

Farewell program of Sri Bharatraj Jain the Physical Director of SDM Law college (till 2009) and Business Management, was arranged on 18.01.2020 in the college conference hall. Faculty and staff of both the colleges participated and felicitated him.

National Law Fest – Release of Broucher

On 11th of January 2020 during the National Conference on Challenges of Higher Education organised by KRMSS, A National Teacher’s Movement, Mangalore university zone in collaboration with Mangalore University, Mangaluru and NAAC, Bengaluru  broucher of National Law Fest has been released by Dr. P.S. Yadapadithaya, Vice Chancellor, Mangalore university, Dr. B. Yashovarma, Secretary, SDM Educational Society, Ujire, Dr. Tharanath, Principal of the college along with other dignitaries.

Releasing broucher of National Law Fest

Magister Juris 2019

The Moot Court Society organized Magister Juris 2019 from 21 October 2019 – 26 October 2019.

The first event organized under the banner of  Magister Juris was Legal drafting on 21 October at 2:30 pm in room number 203 . One member from each team was allowed to participate. The topic given was Drafting a plaint and written statement . Students were given 1 hour to draft the same . The total participation was 24 students .

The second event organized was Judgement Writing on 22 October at 2:30 pm in college library . Only one member from each team were allowed to participate. The students were given a problem containing facts and evidence . The students were expected to write a judgement for the problem . The books for reference were given . The topic given was CrPC and ipc . The total students participating were 24 .

On the same day research paper presentation was organised in room no 203 and room no 204 There are four topics given to the participants out of which the participants were allowed to chose one topic and present  before the judges. The participants  were given 10 minutes to present it before the panel of judges.  The total number of participants were 10.

On 23 October 2019, law fiction writing competition in room no 204 at 2:30 pm. It was a team event were two participants were allowed to participate.  There were certain words given out of which the participants were expected to make a fictional case in one hour. The total number of participants were 26.

The next event was law Quiz (Prelims) which was conducted by Prof Uday Kumar,  Asst Prof of SDM Law College. The total number of participants were 21. The questions were asked from law as well as general knowledge. Out of 21 students only 6 were qualified for the finals organized on 25 October 2019.

On 25 October law quiz finals we’re held in seminar hall at 3:15 pm.  Before the prelims there was a tie breaker round for the sixth finalist as 5 teams we’re having the same score.  The tie breaker was conducted with 5 question posed and one team got selected for the finals. The finals of law quiz started with the questions  from various areas of law and general knowledge.  Mr Amith Castelino and Vrinda Bhandarkar emerged as the winners of the competition.

On 26 October  2019 the final day of Magister Juris 2019 began with the inauguration ceremony.  Ms Swathi Shenoy was the MC for the inauguration.  Mr Ravi M Naik,  the Prinicipal Judge of Family Court,  Mangalore was the chief guest of the event. The event started with the prayer song by Ms Lagma and welcome address by Mrs Chandralekha,  Faculty convenor of Moot Court Society.  Mr Ashwin Kutinha,  Secretary  of Moot Court Society gave a overview of Magister Juris. It was preceded by lighting of lamp and inaugural address by Mr Ravi M Naik. Dr Tharanath, the Principal of SDM Law College gave the presidential address.  There was distribution  of prizes to the winners  of the Selection Moot Court Competition by Mr Ravi M Naik.  Ms Geetha,  Secretary of Legal Aid and Extension Cell gave the vote of thanks.

The first event of the day was client counselling. There were about 26 judges judging the event in 13 court halls.  The participants were given 15 minutes for the competition.  It was a team even. The topic  was  given beforehand i. e Consumer Protection  Act and Indian Penal Code. The participants were  expected to communicate with the clients and elicit the facts of the case from the clients. The participants could score marks by get the confidential information  from the clients. There was best client award given to the participant who could match up with the criteria given.

The next event of the day was negotiation.  The students were expected to assemble in BBM conference for the draw of lots. After the draw of lots the party 2 were expected to move to tutorial  hall 2 for the distribution  of problems.  They we’re given 15 min to read the problem and negotiate the terms.  There were 22 participants engaged in 11 court halls. In the meantime the judges were provided with the refreshments.

After the lunch break,  the next event was bail petition.  7 court halls were engaged  with 14 judges.  There was petitioner and respondent,  the petitioner being the accused asking for bail and the respondent the state giving their set of objections.  There was 13 sets of participants defending both the petitioner and respondent.

The last event of Magister Juris 2019 was Domestic enquiry.  The students were giving 10 minutes each to present their points as employer and employee. The students  were expected to perform before the judges as  panel members.  There were 11 set of students presenting their case as employer and employee.

Youth Parliament Training

On 8-11-2019 Youth Parliament Training inaugurated by Dr.Dayanand Naik, Associate Professor, Dept of Pol.Science, Mangalore University and he trained the participants in the  SDM Conference  Hall. Dr. Balika, Vice Principal presided over the session. Mr. Pushparaj, Asst. Prof. of Political Science address the participants. Mr. Karthik Anand, Faculty Convener coordinated the session.

Symposium on “Emerging Trends in Arbitration in India”

On 14.11.2019 Symposium organised on “Emerging trends in Arbitration in India” at SDM Conference Hall. It was Inaugurated by Shri Moosa Kunhi Nayarmoole, Dist. & Sessions Judge(Retd) & Former member of Karnataka State Administrative Tribunal. Adv. Nandgopal B, Law Chamber of Thiru & Thiru, Bangaluru , Adv. M. Jagadesh Muniswami. Partner, Tapsa Law Bangaluru and Mr. Srinidhi, Techno-Educationalist, Technical & Cyber Forensic Consultant, Bangaluru were the resource persons for various technical sessions. Dr. Tharanath, Principal presided over the symposium. Faculty coordinator  Mrs. Deepa Salian coordinated the symposium.


Workshop on “Cyber Safe Campus”

On 24.9.2019- a Workshop on “Cyber Safe Campus” was held at our College Conference Hall. Dr. Harsha P.S., Commissioner of Police, Mangaluru inaugurated the workshop and delivered a talk on Use of Cyber Space and its impact on our daily life. Dr. G. Anantha Prabhu was the resource person for the occasion. Dr. Tharanath, Principal delivered the presidential address. Shri. Pushparaj K.  Assistant Professor of Political science co-ordinated the programme and Shri Naresh Malligemadu, Asst. Prof. of Economics delivered the vote of thanks.


NSS Unit 2019-20 Inauguration

College National Service Scheme Unit 2019-20 inaugurated on 12.09.2019 by Prof. Balakrishna Shetty, Principal of Shree Ramakrishna College, Mangaluru. Dr. Tharanath, Principal, Mr. Pushparaj, NSS Officer and Mr. Naresh Malligemadu, Red Cross Convener presided over the inauguration.