Author Archives: Sdm Law College

Symposium on “Emerging Trends in Arbitration in India”

On 14.11.2019 Symposium organised on “Emerging trends in Arbitration in India” at SDM Conference Hall. It was Inaugurated by Shri Moosa Kunhi Nayarmoole, Dist. & Sessions Judge(Retd) & Former member of Karnataka State Administrative Tribunal. Adv. Nandgopal B, Law Chamber of Thiru & Thiru, Bangaluru , Adv. M. Jagadesh Muniswami. Partner, Tapsa Law Bangaluru and Mr. Srinidhi, Techno-Educationalist, Technical & Cyber Forensic Consultant, Bangaluru were the resource persons for various technical sessions. Dr. Tharanath, Principal presided over the symposium. Faculty coordinator  Mrs. Deepa Salian coordinated the symposium.



This is to inform your goodself that, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Law College, Mangaluru in association with National Commission for Women is organizing two days National Conference on “Crime against Women: Laws and its implementation” scheduled on 14th and 15th December 2019.

For registration , Kindly contact the faculty convenor Ms. Suma Suresh Kogilgeri. Assistant Professor, contact No. 9986866290 and you can also email the participants details to

Brochure Download Here

Workshop on “Cyber Safe Campus”

On 24.9.2019- a Workshop on “Cyber Safe Campus” was held at our College Conference Hall. Dr. Harsha P.S., Commissioner of Police, Mangaluru inaugurated the workshop and delivered a talk on Use of Cyber Space and its impact on our daily life. Dr. G. Anantha Prabhu was the resource person for the occasion. Dr. Tharanath, Principal delivered the presidential address. Shri. Pushparaj K.  Assistant Professor of Political science co-ordinated the programme and Shri Naresh Malligemadu, Asst. Prof. of Economics delivered the vote of thanks.


NSS Unit 2019-20 Inauguration

College National Service Scheme Unit 2019-20 inaugurated on 12.09.2019 by Prof. Balakrishna Shetty, Principal of Shree Ramakrishna College, Mangaluru. Dr. Tharanath, Principal, Mr. Pushparaj, NSS Officer and Mr. Naresh Malligemadu, Red Cross Convener presided over the inauguration.



Selection Moot Court Competition

On 14.9.2019 Selection Moot Court Competition is organised and inaugurated by Vice President of Alumni Association Shri Udaya Prakash Muliya. H.V.Raghavendra, Notary & Secretary of Mangalore Bar Association & the Advisor to the Alumni Association is chief Guest on the occassion. Senior Advocates M.R.Ballal, Nandakishore, Varadaraj A, KSN Rajesh, Mani K.V., Rajesh K.G., Kishore B.K., Guruprasad and many other Memebers of Mangalore Bar Association were the presiding officers for the Competition. Around 58 teams were participated.



Interview for Three Years LLB Course

Interview for Three Years LLB Course will commence from 4th July on wards. Selected candidates will be informed over phone. Non reporting on the date of interview without prior intimation results in forfeiting of claims to the seats