Author Archives: Sdm Law College

Online Quiz Competition on the occasion of International Yoga Day

Greetings to all our students on the occasion of International Yoga Day

Yoga for both physical and mental fitness. Do yoga and stay healthy. Department of Physical Education is conducting online quiz competition for students. All correct entries will get certificate.Your response must reach us before 6 PM today.

To participate in the quiz competition click here


Mock Online Internal Examination (Important Instructions)

Instructions for Mock Online Examination

  1. Mock examination is only to familarize students with the system of online examinations.
  2. All students have a single law subject (IPC) for mock test. Your answer may be right or wrong. However you need to answer all questions.
  3. Marks obtained in this mock test will not be considered for internal assessment.

Be particular about the following:

  1. Answering mock test is your choice. Students are advised not to venture out as pandemic is increasing in alarming proportions.
  2. Ensure that you are in that part of your house / area where internet connection is available.
  3. Go to the  link and answer within 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the link will disappear from the website.





Attention of 1st/2nd and 4th BA/BBALLB and 1st/2nd 3years LLB course

Parents to note:
1. A mock test on how to answer online test will be held on Thursday i,e, 18th June at 10.30 a.m. Please see that your ward will log in to our college website for the necessary link.
2.  Please see that your ward is ready for online presentation of assignments. Teachers may call on anytime between 10.00a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on all working days for presentations from students. Those already presented please ignore this message.
3. All assignments prepared by your ward, the hard copy shall be submitted to the college on re-opening.

Opinion for holding online examination for VI & X Semester

Greetings from SDM Law College. With reference to university letter (KSLU/2020 dated 12.06.2020), the university is seeking the opinion of all the students of Final Year for the proposed online examination. The students and their parents are required to provide following information about feasibility of holding online examination for 6th semester and 10th semester respectively . Please send back your opinion by through this link on or before 16/06/2020 and treat this as very urgent. Thanking you
Dr. Tharanath
SDM LAW College Mangaluru


Fill up the form using following link

Online examination of Ist, IInd BALLB/BBALLB/ Ist and IInd LLB

Important Instructions

  1. The total marks alloted for examination is 10.

  2. There shall be 20 multiple objective type of questions with 4 alternative choices and student should select 1 answer.

  3. All questions shall be attempted compulsorily and each question Carry 0.5 marks.

  4. The duration of exam is for 30 minutes. Initial 10 minites for technical works (For the exam centre) and remaining 20 minutes for the students to answer.

  5. Students has to login the link provided.  The link will be provided on the date of the examination in college website.

  6. There will be appropriate columns to fill up the names, university register number and other relevant details.

  7. Every day two examination on different subjects will be conducted in both forenoon and afternoon session. Time table will be placed in the website one week before the commencement of the examination.

  8. Students please note performance in this examination is very crucial in view of any decision to be taken up by the university in the future.

  9. The technical details like log in, log out, method of submitting feedback will be given in the days to come.

Attention of Final Year students

Dear final year students
Kslu is conducting opinion survey of final years students and their parents about the feasibility of holding final semester examinations of 6th and 10th semester respectively. You will be sent with questionnaire very shortly and you need to respond at the earliest. Your cooperation in this would be highly appreciated.
