Maximum intake – 20 Students
The Programme and Duration:
1. Master of Laws (L.L.M) Degree Programme is being offered by Centre for P.G. Studies & Research in Law at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Law College, Mangalore. The specialisation offered by the college is “Business and trade Law”.
2. LL.M Degree course shall be of Two years duration spread over foursemesters.
3. Each Year shall be divided into two Semesters
4. Each Semester shall consist of 18 weeks of teaching/research/practical.
5. The courses shall be as given in the Schedule appended. The syllabus for each of the course shall be as notified by the University from time to time.
Course Structure:
1. The LL.M Programme shall have 24 credits with three foundation/ Mandatory courses of 3 credits each (making a total of nine credits), six optional/specialization courses of 2 credits each(making a total of 12 credits) and a dissertation of 3 credits.
2. The allocation of courses over four semesters shall be as under.
I Semester:
i. Foundation Course I: Law & Social Transformation
ii. Foundation Course II: Indian Constitutional Challenges
iii. Foundation Course III: Legal Theory
iv. Specialisation course-I: Law of Industrial & Intellectual Property
II Semester
i. Foundation Course IV: Legal Education & Research Methodology
ii. Foundation Course V: Judicial & Legislative Process
iii. Foundation Course VI: Legal Concepts
iv. Specialisation course-II: Corporate Governance
III Semester
i. Specialisation course III: Legal Regulation of Economic Enterprises
ii. Specialisation course IV: Law of Export Import Regulation
iii. Specialisation course V: Banking Law
iv. Specialisation course VI: Insurance Law
IV Semester
i. Specialisation course VII: Corporate Finance & Law
ii. Specialisation course VIII: Law Relating to Cosumer Protection & Competition
iii. Specialisation course IX: International Trade Law
iv. Specialisation course X: Dissertation
Admission Procedure:
Admission to L.L.M Programme shall be through by orders as notified by Karnataka State Law University from time to time.
1. As the university directions, No School/College or P.G Department of studies in Law authorized to impart education in the LL.M. degree course shall admit more than 20 students.
2. The University shall reserve the right to prescribe the number of Branches in each Law School/College or the Department of Studies in Law.
Tuition and other fees:
Candidate seeking admission to the LL.M. Degree Programme shall the tuition and other fees as prescribed by the University from time to time.