- To create awareness on biodiversity conservation and local environmental issues.
- To create a clean and green consciousness among students and conduct various activities
- To educate general public to protect lush green environment
- To involve students in waste management programs
- To mobilize students towards scientific enquiry into environment problem
Eco club plays an important role in creating environmental awareness to the general public. It is a platform for student who will get knowledge about environment and it also enables the students to be sensitive towards environmental concern to tackle environmental problems
Faculty Coordinator – Mrs. Deepa Salian
Student Secretary – Mr. Tejas (V A)
Student Members – Ms. Sheetal (V A)
Ms. Sushma (III BBA LLB)
Ms. Amritha (III BBA LLB)
- Action Based Activities :Eco club rangers celebrated VANAMAHOTSAVA on September 17 2018 at kapikada government school nearly 30 students participated in it, who planted 6 variety of herbal plants in the premises of the school. The main intention of the program was to protect tress and to create awareness of clean environment.
- Second activity was conducted on November 21 BEACH CLEANING in someshwara beach ullal so to promote cleanliness in beach and beautify its surroundings.
- Thirdly on 19-2-2019 one day seminar on SWACH SOCH was conducted in SDM auditorium in association with Rama Krishna Mission Mangladevi Mangalore