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Library Advisory Committee

Library Advisory Committee

The main objective of the Library Advisory committee is to see that library is functioning smoothly. It helps to improve the library services and framing the policies and rules for library. The main functions of the committee includes plan for collection development, preparing library budget, recommending the books and periodicals, redressing the grievances of The main objective  of the Library Advisory Committee is to support the functioning of the library by acting as a channel of communication and dialogue  between the library and its users.  It gives general directions to the library, review the library activities. It formulates the policy and plan for library development and for the  best use of the library resources by the students and teachers for the overall contribution to the academic excellence.he library users  and taking steps to enhance the utilisation of library resources

Composition of the Committee 2023-24

Faculty  Convenor : Mr.Santhosh Kumar, Librarian

Student Secretaries: 1) Mr.Sooraj Pai H, 2) Mr. Shailesh S Crasta   3) Ms.Stuthi Chowta

Reports for the year 2018-2023

Ms. Chaitra Kumari A

Ms. Chaitra Kumari. A,
B.A LL.B(law), LL.M, NET
Assistant Professor

Perceived B.A LL.B from Vaikunta Baliga College of law Udupi and LL.M (Corporate and Commercial Law) from Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Law College Manglore.
Participated and presented papers in national seminars, conferences.
Achievements: Secured Vaikunta Baliga Gold Medal for being topper of B.A LL.B 2017-2018 and More than 20 other endowment prizes for academic excellence and received Regular Mooter award for 2017-2018 batch, Secured 1st Rank in LL.M (corporate and Commercial Law ) and received Karnataka State law university Gold Medal and Nani A palkiwala Gold Medal and endowment prize instituted by Nani A. Palkiwala Trust , Mumbai.
Honored with State Marati Mahila Sadhaki Award from karnataka Stata Marathi Association, Banglore for academic excellence.
Subjects Thoughts : Hindu law, Law of Torts, Constitution, Contract.

Achievements During 2019-20

Dhanurasana/ Bow Pose

Benefits of Dhanurasana (Vedio Link)

  1. Effective in weight loss.
  2. Improves digestion and appetite.
  3. Helps to cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems.
  4. Cures constipation
  5. Improves blood circulation.
  6. Gives flexibility to the back.
  7. Strengthens back muscles.
  8. Improves the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine, and big intestine.
  9. Act as a stress reliever.
  10. Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.
  11. Cure menstruation disorder.
  12. Improve function of kidney and liver.
  13. It improves posture.
  14. Releases back pain.
  15. Cures respiratory disorder like asthma.
  16. Helpful in stimulating reproductive organs.
  17. Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.

Precaution for Dhanurasana
The person suffering from high blood pressure, back pain, hernia, headache, migraine or abdomen surgery should not do practice Dhanurasana.
Ladies should not practice yoga during pregnancy and in periods.

Vrikshasana/ Tree pose

Benefits of Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) (Vedio Link)

Vrikshasana has several benefits for your health, some of which are listed below:

  1. It strengthens your spine and improves your posture.
  2. Vrikshasana strengthens your thighs, knees and calf muscles.
  3. It helps in improving your balance.
  4. When done regularly, this asana may help in relieving sciatica pain.
  5. It also helps to improve flat feet problems.
    Since it requires a lot of focus, Vrikshasana helps in improving concentration.

Precautionsto take before Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

You should take the following precautions before practising Vrikshasana:

  1. If you suffer from migraine, high or low blood pressure, do not practice this asana.
  2. Avoid practising Vrikshasana if you suffer from insomnia.
  3. In the beginning, you may find it difficult to place your leg above the knee, so you can place it below the knees but never place it on the knee.

Avoid this asana if you have had a recent leg injury or injury to your knees.

Combination of Halasana/Plough (Plow)pose and Paschimotthanasana/Seated forward bend pose

Benefits of Halasana (Plow Pose) (Vedio Link)

  • Improves digestion and appetite.
  • Effective in Weight Loss.
  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
  • Beneficial for diabetic people.
  • Those people should do this regularly.
  • It helps to make spinal cord strong and flexible.
  • Cures the symptoms of menopause.
  • It helps to reduce stress.
  • It normalizes blood-glucose level and stimulates the internal organs.
  • It stimulates the reproductive organs.


  • Those suffering from a hernia, slipped disc, sciatica, arthritis of the neck, high blood pressure or any serious back problem, should not do practice. Should practice under expert supervision. In days of periods, women should not practice this asana.Pregnant women should not practice.

Benefits of paschimotthanasana/ seated Forward bend pose Paschimotthanasana 

  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
  • Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus
  • Improves digestion
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort
  • Soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue
  • Therapeutic for high blood pressure, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis
  • Traditional texts say that Paschimottanasana increases appetite, reduces obesity, and cures diseases.

Contraindications and Cautions

  • Asthma
  • Diarrhea
  • Backinjury: Only perform this pose under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

Sarvangasana/Shoulder Stand pose

Top benefits of Sarvangasan/ Shoulder stand pose are given below: (Vedio Link)

  1. Thyroid Gland: The shoulderstand yoga pose is good for the healthy functioning of pituitary, pineal, kidney, liver, spleen and testes. Thus, it regulates the functions of all the glands of the body.
  2. Invigorates circulatory system: The asana is good in case of circulatory system, respiratory system and digestive system.
  3. Headache: It enhances the supply of blood to the head region and good for managing headache and migraine.
  4. Hypertension: It has cooling effect to the nerves, thus beneficial for high blood pressure patient.
  5. Insomnia: It is good for insomnia patient as it facilitates blood supply to this region.
  6. Constipation: It seems to be panacea for constipation patient. Person suffering from constipation should practice it regularly.
  7. Intestinal Ulcers: It stimulates the intestinal and stomach glands thus good for ulcer in these region.
  8. Hair Fall: It enhances supply of blood in the head region and prevents hair fall.
  9. Sexual Disorders: The yoga pose is beneficial in case of sexual problems such as frequent abortions, leucorrhoea, syphilis, etc.
  10. Weight Loss : It helps in burning of fat.
  11. Eyesight: It is good for eye vision..
  12. Skin care : It helps to prevent wrinkles, pimples and delay aging.

Sarvangasana precautions

The shoulder stand yoga pose has contraindications and side effects. Some of the cautions of Sarvangasana are being mentioned below.

  1. The asana shouldn’t be performed by those who have high blood pressure.
  2. Avoid this asana during menstruation.
    Having experiencing spinal problems, skip this asana.
  3. Don’t practice in case of glaucoma, acute thyroid problems, chronic neck conditions, shoulder injuries and retina problems.
  4. It should be avoided by those who have heart problems, middle ear problem, capillary, weak age, spondylosis, and Slip disc.
  5. Functioning of pituitary, pineal, kidney, liver, spleen and testes. Thus, it regulates the functions of all the glands of the body.


Surya Namaskara/ Sun Salutations

Top 10 health benefits of SuryaNamaskara/Sun Salutations (Vedio Link : How to Perform Suryanamaskara)

  • Helps in losing weight
  • This combination of 12 asanas, when practiced rigorously, turns out to be an extensive cardio routine.
  • It helps you to shed down any extra calories and also helps you in toning your arms and abs.
  • Improves digestion
  • Theasanas in this practice which involve forward bending helps in creating abdominal space so that the accumulated gas is released.
  • Thea also regulate blood circulation which ensures a faster and better breaking up of food.
  • Improves postures
  • The practice of this asana requires you to stretch your body multiple times.
  • During the times of stretching, you make sure that your spine is straight.
  • This in turn helps you maintain a comfortable and straight posture.
  • Relieving and strengthening muscles
  • The extensive involvement of your body prepares your muscles and joints to endure pressure.
  • This in turn, strengthens them. Not only that, the involvement of these very muscle helps in releasing any kind of tension gathered up within the body.
  • A regular practice of Surya Namaskar can help you become equipped enough to deal with the every cramps and body aches.
  • Improves Skin’s glow
  • Thesea asanas have a great impact on your heart and the flow of blood.
  • This ten impacts the freshness, rejuvenation and glow of our skin.
  • It also tightens it and makes it firm, saving it from any kind of premature wrinkles.
  • Gives you morning energy
  • The practice of this yoga early in the morning, amidst the fresh morning breeze, helps you to relax your mind and make it fresh.
  • The freshness of the mind ensures that you energize each and every part of your body and carry out an active day
  • Helps you detox
  • The asanas require you to carry out long and deep inhalation and exhalation process.
  • This results in proper ventilation of your lungs where sufficient amounts of oxygen reach your body.
  • This, in turn, helps in detoxifying the body.
  • Improves sleep schedule
  • As this yogic exercise is carried out early in the morning, a regular practice of it will set up a body clock because of which you will automatically start waking up on time.
  • Now that you’re waking up early, your body will function efficiently throughout the day and then tires enough to put you to bed early.
  • This cycle of going to bed early and waking up early, improves your sleep schedule.
  • Ensures hormonal balance and a regular menstrual cycle
  • A regular practice of Surya Namaskar will help in suppressing the irregularities in your menstrual cycle and will ensure a proper cycle by keeping a check on the hormonal balance.
  • It will also ensure ease during childbirth.
  • Helps you in maintaining a positive vibe
  • The practice of this yoga is capable of giving a very relaxing and relieving feeling.
  • It helps you remove all the clustered thoughts from your mind and reach a state of mindfulness and tranquillity.
  • It fills you with happiness, contentment and positivity.

Points of Precautions

  • People with bone weakness or muscle weakness should avoid it
  • The sequence should be avoided by people who suffer from high blood pressure
  • Those suffering from arthritis should avoid Surya Namasker series
  • Injuries to the wrist can worsen with poses like cobra pose, downward dog pose, etc.
  • Pregnant women should not indulge in practicing this series (only under expert guidance it can be practiced).
  • Yoga isn’t something that you learn overnight.

Therefore take your time and always enjoy the practice without putting yourself under too much pressure.

Physical Education



A healthy mind in a healthy body is an old saying that stresses the importance of sports and physical activities. Physical fitness is a general state of health and well-being and, more specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate vigorous physical exercise, physical activity and sufficient rest.

Importance of physical Fitness
Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy bodyweight.

The importance of Physical Fitness in a Students Life
Physical fitness can be a key component of a healthy life style. This is why Physical Education is a key subject in all the leading universities in the world. The regular fitness activities When regular fitness activities are included in the life style of a student, it is possible for them to maintain fit. Regular physical activity can help to improve the absorption of nutrients in the body.
The heart plays an important role in pumping blood to the entire body. When students remain inactive throughout the day , they can be at risk of various cardiovascular issues. Unlike adults, children don’t have to spend a lot of their time in the gym to get the adequate amount of workout. All they need is simple play time and running around the field.

Being physically active and fit holds utmost importance especially among today’s younger generation who is busy enjoying the luxuries of mobile, laptop and TV at an alarming rate and are not active and spirited on a daily basis. Being young students have a lot of potential to develop a hobby that keeps their fitness regulated for the life time.
Being physically fit overhauls your personality. It lets you perform physical activities without being tired or restless. Being physically fit also ensures you being mentally fit and stress free. So it’s time for you to play some
sports, get involved in physical activities to experience happiness, peace and enthusiastic lifestyle.

Improvement of Academic Performance

There are studies that show that, physical education can help to improve the academic performance of a student. Many of the regular physical activities that students engage in are associated with higher levels of concentration and well composed behaviors. Sports activities help to reinforce knowledge learned in other subjects.

Physical Fitness Through Yoga

What is yoga?
In the yoga shastra classics, the yogashastra by patanjali is considered as the most authentic and most scientific. The great sage patanjali has given 195 out of 196 sutras and this yoga sutra has four chapters. This great sage classified the ancient science systematically and gave a proper shape to it. The word “yoga” has come from Dhatu “Yug”.
There are four types of yoga-Jnana yoga, Bhakthi yoga, Karma yoga and Raja yoga. Controlling the desires and achieving concentration is the essence of yoga.
Yoga is beneficial for various reasons. It helps to improve flexibility, works your core muscles and it allows you to perform cardio-centric exercises in a way which is not as obviously taxing as other forms of cardio training.

The following instructions should be followed by Yogasana Participants

  • Yogasana must be practiced on an empty stomach or after consuming one cup of liquid food.
  • Food must be taken after half an hour after performing.
  • Before practice, urinary bladder and intestine should be emptied.
  • It is not proper to start asana as soon as one wakes up from sleep. One should do simple warming up exrcises or soorya Namaskaras before starting the yogasanas.
  • There must be fresh Air, light, flat floor and a clean mat to practice yogasana
  • Discipline, faith and continuous practice are necessary qualities of a yoga student.
  • After completing Yogasana one must lie down in shavasana
  • Asanas should not be practiced when one is tired.
  • Asanas should be practiced under expert supervision of a teacher, whose guidance should be followed sincerely.