Tag Archives: moot court

Lex Orbis 2018 – International Trade Law Moot Court Competition

We, the office bearers of the SDM Law College Moot Court society, Karnataka, India cordially invite you to take part in our International trade law moot court competition -LEX ORBIS 2019 which is going to be held from 14 – 16 March 2019. Teams from around the globe are taking part in this mega event where legal minds with wit and expertise are going to judge them. It will be a 3 day event.

The last date to provisionally register is 15th February 2019 . Confirmation of registration is by sending the soft copies of the duly filled registration form and demand draft of Rs. 4000/- to this email by 23rd February 2019.

Documents attached:
1. Moot Proposition
2. Registration & Travel Form
3. Schedule
4. Rules

Training sessions for Magister Juris 2018

MAGISTER JURIS was approaching and the training session was the perfect mould to mould all the participants before entering the ‘Battle of the legal minds’. After all the planning, it was time to execute. The training session took place a week prior the main fest. It took place on 2nd November in room no.204 at 2pm. It was held for the events, Judgment writing, negotiation, Client counselling and Legal Drafting. The students of the college were no less than resource persons. For judgment writing we had the co-ordinator of the moot court society itself Mr. Ashwin Kutinha. Negotiation was dealt by the final year students Ms.Bhagirithi, Mr. Amith Castellino and Ms. Shwetha Pai. Client Counselling was quite a catch with Ms. Ashwathy Jayaraj , Ms. Ashawari and Ms. Fathima Ibrahim turned out to be very fruitful. The participants were just as involved and the participation was quite high which was witnessed by the jam packed classroom.

On 5th November same time same place the training session took place for the other important event: Bail Petition. The fourth year students Ms. Priya Koshi and Ms. Medha along with Mrs. Suma Suresh presiding over as the judge made it look so easy clear and subtle for our students. The Training sessions turned out to be a great kick start for The Magister Juris’18!

All the moot court society events can be found here.

Senior selection moot

On 29th September, 2018 the Moot Court Society of SDM Law College has conducted the Senior Selection Moot Court Competition for the academic year 2018-19. The competition witnessed a vibrant set of mooters from senior category. The senior category consisted of students from 3rd year to 5th year of BA LLB and BBA LLB and also 2nd and 3rd years of LLB. The lot picking for the category was held on 20.09.2018 in room no. 204.

This year the moot court society had an object to well equip the students for any moot representation outside the college and also to make them well acquainted with legal knowledge. So as a step towards it, this time the selected area for moot proposition was from ‘Intellectual Property Rights ‘and the participants were asked to submit memorials along with their oral submissions. The competition commenced at 11:00 AM and ended up at 2:30 PM.

The competition was presided over by eminent lawyers of Mangalore and Expertise of SDM Law College. The esteemed presiding Judges were Adv. Anita Kini, Adv. Shine, Adv. Ashfaq, Adv. Ravi Shankar, Adv. Manmohan, Adv. Sathish, Adv. Prajwal, Adv. Vinayak,Adv. Malvika, Mr. Mahesh Chandra Nayak, Mrs. Balika, Ms. Suma,Mr. Gagan K, and Ms. Josna.

The competition was conducted in 7 Court Halls and the same was arranged in the class rooms of 2nd and 3rd Floor of the college. Apart from participants we had a good set of volunteers. There were 14 escorts who had taken up the duty to escort the judges to the respective court halls and also introducing the judges to the participants. We had 14 bench clerks who have helped us in time management and further court proceedings.

The students were ranked, according to the marks given by the respected judges. The 1st Rank was shared by Mr. Charan Raj and Ms. Haritha Varma, the 2nd rank was shared by Ms. Bhagirathi and Mr. Prakash and the 3rd rank was secured by Ms. Adlene. The Best Memorial was secured by Mr.Amith Castelino and Mr.Tsering. The same results were put upon the notice board on the very next working day.

All together, the whole event was a grand success. The Judges for these days were duly respected and the Moot Court society on behalf of SDM Law College handed over the Appreciation Certificate and token of gratitude for their valuable time.

Junior Selection Moot

On 22nd September, 2018 the Moot Court Society of SDM Law College has conducted the Junior Selection Moot Court Competition for the academic year 2018-19. The junior category consisted of students from 1st year and 2nd year of BA LLB and BBA LLB and also 1st years of LLB. One team comprised of three members including two speakers and one researcher. 32 teams have participated for the same. Lot picking for the category was held on 11.09.2018 in room no. 204 at 2:00 PM. On 20.09.2018 the memorials were collected from the participants.

This year the moot court society had an object to well equip the students for any moot representation outside the college and also to make them well acquainted with legal knowledge. And thereby the concept of submission of memorials was introduced along with the arguments.The area opted for the moot proposition was Constitutional law.
The competition commenced at 11:00 AM and ended up at 2:30 PM.

The competition was presided over by eminent lawyers of Mangalore and Expertise of SDM Law College. The esteemed presiding Judges were Adv. Anita Kini, Adv. Shine, Adv. Ashfaq, Adv. Ravi Shankar, Adv. Manmohan, Adv. Sathish, Adv. Prajwal, Adv. Vinayak, Adv. Malvika, Mr. Mahesh Chandra Nayak, Mrs. Balika, Ms. Suma, Mr. Gagan K, and Ms. Josna.

The competition was conducted in 7 Court Halls and the same was arranged in the class rooms of 2nd and 3rd Floor of the college. Apart from participants we had a good set of volunteers. There were 14 escorts who had taken up the duty to escort the judges to the respective court halls and also introducing the judges to the participants. We had 14 bench clerks who have helped us in time management and further court proceedings.

The students were ranked, according to the marks given by the respected judges. The 1st Rank was secured by Mr. Abhyuday and the 2nd rank wassecured by Ms. Dafny D’cunha and the 3rd rank was secured by Ms. Swathi Baliga. The Best Memorial was secured by Ms. Simran for petitioner and Ms.Swathi Baliga for respondent. The best researcher was secured by Ms. Nagashree Sherlekar. The same results were put upon the notice board on the very next day.
The presentation and research of the participants were really appreciated by the judges. And the competition had met the spirit of mooting and was a grand success.

Memorial Session

The moot court society had introduced a new idea of including memorial submission along with argument presentation for the selection moot court competition. It was conducted for all the interested students to make them know ‘How to write a Memorial?’

The session was held on 17.09.2018 in room no: 204 at 2:00 PM and saw an overwhelming participation of more than 100 students. It was conducted by office bearers of the moot court society. The same was presented by a Power Point Presentation and a sample memorial was shown to the participants and each of its main contents was accurately explained. Special emphasis was given to the junior category on ‘how to find out citations and make footnotes’.
All the queries and doubts regarding the memorials raised by the students were clarified and the session was winded up by one hour.

Demo Moot

The Moot court society 2018-19 under the efficient leadership of Mrs. Annapoorna Shet, convenor moot court society and student secretary Ms. Haritha Varma, commenced its activities with a demo moot court session conducted in the Seminar hall on 06.09.2018. The session started at 12:45 PM and continued till 2:00 PM. This session witnessed an overwhelming number of 150 students. The objective of this session is to give an idea of ‘how moot court exercises are conducted in our college as well as elsewhere’.

The demo moot was conducted by Ms.Fathima Ibrahim, Ms. Aswathy Jayaraj of IV year BA LLB as petitioners and they argued in English, and Mr. Ismail, Mr.Prakash of II year LLB argued on behalf of respondents in Kannada for helping both English and Kannada mooters. The session was presided over by Mr. Gagan K, Assistant Professor, SDM Law College. A detailed description of every stage of argument and other court disciplines were explained to the students by the Moot court coordinators – Ms. Ashritha Shetty, Mr. Ashwin Kutinah and Ms. Shreya Shetty.
The session ended in a very successful manner by arousing interest in the minds of students.