Training for Competitive Exams

Aims and Objectives of the Programme
• To motivate the students to participate in various competitive examinations
• To create awareness about the various competitive exams available for the law students
• To prepare the students to face the challenges of the competitive exams
• To train the students with updated information

General Studies
The various competitive exams have a component where the “general knowledge and ability” comprising of multiple disciplines such arts, science and humanities which are provided to the students who want a broad education. General studies paper contains questions customized for the needs of the students from various disciplines like:
• Indian Heritage and Culture,History and Geography of the World and Society
• Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations
• Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management
• Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude

Law Paper for UPSC / KPSC Exams
The UPSC / KPSC exams contain the following papers:
• Constitutional and Administrative Law
• International Law
• Law of Crimes
• Law of Torts
• Law of Contracts and Mercantile Law
• Contemporary Legal Developments

Judicial Services Exams
Karnataka Judiciary examination syllabus includes these themes:
• Substantive Law Papers (IPC, Constitution and Contract etc)
• Procedural Law Papers (CPC, CrPC, Evidence etc)
• Drafting and Pleadings
• Translation