How to Login G Suit Account

Dear Students,

Please follow the following steps to activate the New E-mail Account for G-Suite.

From a Desktop or Laptop:
Step 1: Open a Web Browser (Chrome/Firefox/Explorer)
Step 2: Open the GOOGLE search engine (www.
Step 3: Open G-mail and Click on the ‘SIGN IN’ icon.
Step 4: Type in the email id (respective student email id) provided by the college (…… and click on ‘Next’.
Step 5: Type in the password sent from the college to the registered parent mobile number.
Step 6: Click on the ‘ACCEPT’ icon. (To accept the terms and conditions of your New Account)
Step 7: Now Change the Password (Provide/ Type a Strong Password with minimum 8 characters)
Step 8: Click on the ‘Change Password’ Icon.
Step 9: Now you have logged into your new email account.

From your Mobile:
Step 1: Open your Gmail App
Step 2: Click on icon on the TOP RIGHT CORNER of your screen {normally the first alphabet of your name, ex: (A) }, which will display “Manage your Google Account”.
Step 3: Click on “Add another Account”.
Step 4: Click on “Google”.
Step 5: Follow Step 4 to Step 9 as provided above for a desktop or laptop.

( After creating the new password, memorise or note it down, in order to sign in Google classroom)

(Please remember the interface and placement of icon may differ in Mobile phones, however, the procedure will remain the same)

For a Video on How to Login into a G Suite account: watch this video: