Dhanurasana/ Bow Pose

Benefits of Dhanurasana (Vedio Link)

  1. Effective in weight loss.
  2. Improves digestion and appetite.
  3. Helps to cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems.
  4. Cures constipation
  5. Improves blood circulation.
  6. Gives flexibility to the back.
  7. Strengthens back muscles.
  8. Improves the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine, and big intestine.
  9. Act as a stress reliever.
  10. Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.
  11. Cure menstruation disorder.
  12. Improve function of kidney and liver.
  13. It improves posture.
  14. Releases back pain.
  15. Cures respiratory disorder like asthma.
  16. Helpful in stimulating reproductive organs.
  17. Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.

Precaution for Dhanurasana
The person suffering from high blood pressure, back pain, hernia, headache, migraine or abdomen surgery should not do practice Dhanurasana.
Ladies should not practice yoga during pregnancy and in periods.

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