Faculty in charge of the event: Dr. Gagan K.
Committee / Cell Name: Research and Publication Unit (R&P Unit)
Event Title: “My Struggle with the Truth”
Event type: Essay Competition
Event Date(s): 28 September 2018
Venue: Library (2:00 pm)
Summary of the event / Additional information:
The Unit organized an essay competition on account of Gandhi Jayanthi to be celebrated on 2nd October. The broad theme for the essays was “My Struggle With the Truth” which is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography titles “My Experiments with Truth.” The competition was open to all. The contestants were given 1 hour to write their essay. The contestants were given the liberty to interpret the said theme in any way they chose to. Totally 8 students participated in the competition. The evaluation of the English essays has been done by Mr. Mahesh Chandra Nayak and Mrs. Ujwala. The Kannada essays have been evaluated by Mr. Naresh Malligemadu. The event was organised by Aditya D’Mello. The best of these essays will be published in the college magazine – Pragathi.