Monthly Archives: June 2020

Online examination of Ist, IInd BALLB/BBALLB/ Ist and IInd LLB

Important Instructions

  1. The total marks alloted for examination is 10.

  2. There shall be 20 multiple objective type of questions with 4 alternative choices and student should select 1 answer.

  3. All questions shall be attempted compulsorily and each question Carry 0.5 marks.

  4. The duration of exam is for 30 minutes. Initial 10 minites for technical works (For the exam centre) and remaining 20 minutes for the students to answer.

  5. Students has to login the link provided.  The link will be provided on the date of the examination in college website.

  6. There will be appropriate columns to fill up the names, university register number and other relevant details.

  7. Every day two examination on different subjects will be conducted in both forenoon and afternoon session. Time table will be placed in the website one week before the commencement of the examination.

  8. Students please note performance in this examination is very crucial in view of any decision to be taken up by the university in the future.

  9. The technical details like log in, log out, method of submitting feedback will be given in the days to come.

Attention of Final Year students

Dear final year students
Kslu is conducting opinion survey of final years students and their parents about the feasibility of holding final semester examinations of 6th and 10th semester respectively. You will be sent with questionnaire very shortly and you need to respond at the earliest. Your cooperation in this would be highly appreciated.


Professional Ethics and ADR Internal examination (New)

Parents please note that the internal tests for Professional Ethics and ADR batch students will commence from 1st July onwards. The test will be in online form and please see that your ward will be in station from 1st July onwards. Any clarifications, the students need to contact only Head of Department of Law or the course teacher of respective subject.

Internal Examination 2020 (New)

Parents please note that the internal tests for internal batch students will commence from 1st July onwards. The test will be in online form and please see that your ward will be in station from 1st July onwards. Students will have first two units of their syllabus for this examinations. Any clarifications, the students need to contact only Heads of Departments of Humanities and Law.

Ms. Chaitra Kumari A

Ms. Chaitra Kumari. A,
B.A LL.B(law), LL.M, NET
Assistant Professor

Perceived B.A LL.B from Vaikunta Baliga College of law Udupi and LL.M (Corporate and Commercial Law) from Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Law College Manglore.
Participated and presented papers in national seminars, conferences.
Achievements: Secured Vaikunta Baliga Gold Medal for being topper of B.A LL.B 2017-2018 and More than 20 other endowment prizes for academic excellence and received Regular Mooter award for 2017-2018 batch, Secured 1st Rank in LL.M (corporate and Commercial Law ) and received Karnataka State law university Gold Medal and Nani A palkiwala Gold Medal and endowment prize instituted by Nani A. Palkiwala Trust , Mumbai.
Honored with State Marati Mahila Sadhaki Award from karnataka Stata Marathi Association, Banglore for academic excellence.
Subjects Thoughts : Hindu law, Law of Torts, Constitution, Contract.

Achievements During 2019-20

Ms. Nelvita Cleona Noronha


Ms. Nelvita Cleona Noronha
Assistant Professor

Graduatedin bcom from St. Agnes College (autonomous) and LLB from SDM law College mangalore under Karnataka state law university. She pursued LLM ( Corporate and commercial Law) from Sdm law College under Karnataka State Law university hubbali. Having secured second rank in LLM she has also presented 4 papers in the national level conference.
As a active member of NSS, She has participated in the Republic Day parade held in New Delhi (2014) and was a part of Indian youth delegation to China in the year 2015. Awarded with Rashtrapathi Guide award from Bharath scouts and guides. Best NSS volunteer of Mangalore University in 2014-15.
Subjects taught : Constitution I, Hindu Law, Contract II and Banking Law

Achievements During 2019-20